Friday 31 December 2010

So, I'm two books short. However, I don't feel like I've lost the challenge, because I've read enough fanfiction over the course of 2010 to add up to OVER fifty books worth of writing. And by that, I meant over fifty books worth of just fanfiction.

It's mostly been one-shots and drabbles, but they add up. And I have read so many. Hundreds. And hundreds. And hundreds. Of one-shots and drabbles alone. I have 94 fanfictions favourited, 13 authors favourited (some of them 50+ fanfics and I've read most of them), and I have to really like a fanfiction to favourite it. Even more so to favourite an author.

When you think I've read Jigsaw Pieces, a one-shot collaboration with over 150 one-shots (as it currently stands 171 chapters and 215,017 words -- an average novel has between 30k and 70k), and then think about how many other one-shots I've read ... you could even push it and say I've probably broken the thousands barrier.

Some recent ones I've read include Thousand Ways To Leave This Place (a 20k one-shot) and Dalton (a WIP Glee multi-chaptered fic; word count currently stands at 142,785). I've also been reading a lot of Glee fanfiction on livejournal, which are usually 5,000+ each and I don't save/keep a record of.

Throughout the year, I've also been reading Just A Misunderstanding, which currently stands at 43,800 words. I also started reading Potentially Problematic at the beginning of the year and I only recently caught up with it. It's 54k words long.

I've also been reading almost everything posted on KWC, a writing forum, and a lot has been posted over the course of the year.

 If that isn't proof enough that I have far surpassed by goal, I don't know what more to give you. This is pretty much everything I've read with any sort of length to it, though I've read hundreds of shorter things, too.

I don't feel like I failed.

Tomorrow, I will be setting up a blog for 2011 Book Count. I'll keep the target the same as I didn't "technically" reach my goal, but there'll be different rules (I will be incorporating fanfiction into it this time).

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