Wednesday 30 June 2010

Book Thirty-One

I am an idiot. First of all, I'm sorry for neglecting you. I have been reading. Secondly, I wrote down the blurbs for Vampire Knight Vol. 4-7 so I could return them to the school library, but I can't find the sheet ANYWHERE. I've literally turned my room inside out, but it's hopeless. I can't remember when I read those specific volumes, or what happened in each individual one, so I'm just going to post my overall opinion of the entire series, but in seperate entries, so ... yeah. iSuck. [nopunintended]

Title: Vampire Knight Vol. 4  
Author: Matsuri Hino
Summary: N/A
Genre: Romance
Time Started: Unknown.
Time Ended: Unknown.
Page Count: Unknown.
Age Rating: "Older teen." 15+?
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

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