Sunday 28 February 2010

Book Three.

Title: Flying for Frankie.
Author: Pauline Fisk.
Summary: Charis Watt's life is painfully ordinary. Watching telly and following her older brother around are all the excitement she can get. Frankie Bradley lives the life of a princess. With her rich parents, posh schools and fancy clothes, she seems to have it all. Despite their differences, the girls become best friends, forming a bond that fills the loneliness they each feel deep inside. But when Frankie becomes ill their bond is put to the test, especially Charis, who strives to put things right. But there are some things you can do in the name of friendship, and some you can't.
Genre: Tragedy/Friendship.
Time Started: 2nd January, 5:40pm
Time Ended: 2nd January, 8:50pm
Page Count: 230
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Character death, one bad word on page 211.
Appeal Rating: 5/10.

The story wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't horrible, either. The relationship between the girls wasn't developed over time (It sort of went, "Oh, I hate Miss Stuck Up-Herself. Hey isn't that her? Hi, Frankie, yes, I built this den by myself. Oh, yay, we're the best of friends because you like my den!"), the announcement of the illness was anticlimactic, and the characters weren't characterised very well. Except for Diggers, I liked him. Oh, and Damo. I like this name, more than anything. Damo and Charis - what sort of parents do they have?!

Overall, it wasn't great, but it was potentially enjoyable.

In fact, it was more enjoyable than it should have been. Considering the bad characterisations, and all of the other bad things, it should have been a really horrible story. But it wasn't. Maybe it was the fact that if was a depressing story, which seems to be my sort of thing at the moment. Maybe I looked past the writing skills, straight to the storyline, and I know I'd enjoy THAT, so I was biased. I don't know. Maybe.

I think, maybe, it was Charis' loyalty to Frankie that made me enjoy it. Despite her fear of flying, she still attempted it anyway (Diggers in a rage is SO ADORABLE!)... and before "it" happens (Guess what "it" is), she managed to actually conquer her fear of flying - and although she says it wasn't for Frankie, we all know it was.

Anyway, not sure if I would recommend it, but if it seems like your kind of story, go for it!

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