Sunday 28 February 2010

Book Two.

Title: Love Aubrey
Author: Suzanna LaFleur
Summary: Something heartbreaking has happened. Eleven-year-old Aubrey is on her own. She's determined to hide away and take care of herself, because facing the truth is too much to bear. But with the love of her grandmother and the letters she writes, can Aubrey begin to see that even though she's lost everything - all is not lost?
Genre: Tragedy/Hurt/Comfort
Time Started: 2nd January, 12:50pm.
Time Ended: 2nd January, 5:00pm.
Page Count: 261.
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Sensitive Theme.
Appeal Rating: 7/10.

This is a really beautiful story, though it took me a while to get into it. It's really sad, and I truly connected with Aubrey while reading it. It brings tears to my eyes at certain points (when my mum read it, she actually cried) and I felt really sad for Aubrey. She's so young and so innocent; she shouldn't have had to go through what she did. Yes, she's a fictional character, but I do generally want to comfort her and make it better.

And, of course, with the knowledge that there are little kids out there who are experiencing/have experienced what Aubrey did ... it's a horrible thought ):

I really recommend this to everyone.

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