Sunday 28 February 2010

Book Four.

Title: The Keepers' Daughter.
Author: Gill Arbuthnott.
Summary: Orphaned as a baby, Nyssa can only dream about who she is and where she comes from, but with the arrival of dark strangers her past is revealed. Nyssa has a hidden tattoo that bears one half of a secret message. Now her future depends on finding the other half, written on a twin she's never known, and the truth of the words that mark them.
Genre: Adventure/Action.
Time Started: 3rd January, 11:00am.
Time Ended: 6th January, 1:10pm.
Page Count: 425.
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Sensitive themes, violence.
Appeal Rating: 10/10!

This is such an amazing book. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it's definitely a favourite. There were so many subplots that were essential to the main plot, it keeps the reader on their toes, and the characters were developed fantastically. I saw the Aria/Marius connection pretty much straight away, even though they were always arguing, and when Thea said "Cousin Kit is chasing me!" I pieced it together ... and promptly bit back my fangirl squeal.

This book left me practically speechless. I'm struggling to search for words on how amazing it is. It's utterly fantastic, and kept me gripped from beginning to end. It doesn't rush into explanations, leaves you asking questions, and there's a surprise at every corner. You never know what's going to happen, or when the Shadowmen are going to show up, or if Kit's going to start talking again. It's always so big, and leaves you thinking "Wow." And that's all you can think, because it's so shocking.

Kit is such a sweetheart. I adore him. He's so sweet and adorable and innocent. Even though he first appears a weak, troubled boy, he can be really fierce and determined when he wants to be, and I love that about him. He's so amazingly created ^.^

So, yes, amazing book! I DEFINITELY recommend this.

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