Sunday, 7 March 2010

Book Eleven.

Title: Ways to Live Forever.
Author: Sally Nicholls.
Summary: "My name is Sam. By the time you read this I will probably be dead." Sam wants to know about UFOs and horror movies and ghosts and scientists, and how it feels to kiss a girl. He also needs answers to the questions nobody with answer.
Genre: Tragedy? Comedy? I'm not sure... :/
Time Started: 3rd February, 3:45pm.
Time Ended: 3rd February, 10:30pm.
Page Count: 202.
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Sad themes, character death.
Appeal Rating: 7/10.

It may have just been the speed at which I read it (a few hours, taking into consideration that from 5:30PM to 9:30PM, I wasn't reading), but it seemed quite rushed. Perhaps, this is also why I didn't feel very sad throughout it, despite the terribly sad themes and happenings - I didn't connect with the characters in time.

However, it's a good story, really sad storyline. Although most of it doesn't really make me think "That's so sad", a lot of it makes me feel sorry for Sam, pity him, think "Awh, bless". Just little things. However, other parts were like, "Oh... that was naff".

However, I do recommend it, for a quick read.

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