Sunday 7 March 2010

Book Ten.

Title: Thanks For the Memories.
Author: Cecelia Ahern
Summary: Joyce Conway remembers things she shouldn't. She knows about tiny cobbled streets in Paris, which she has never visited. And every night she dreams about an unknown little girl with blonde hair. Justin Hitchcock is divorced, lonely and restless. He arrives in Dublin to give a lecture on art and is persuaded to donate blood. It's the first thing to come straight from his heart in a long time. When Joyce leaves hospital after a terrible accident, with her life and her marriage in pieces, she moves back in with her elderly father. All the while, a strong sense of deja vu is overwhelming her and she can't figure out why...
Genre: Romance/Comedy.
Time Started: 24th January, 7:45pm.
Time Ended: 4th February, 10:30pm.
Page Count: 373.
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Bad language, mention of sex.
Appeal Rating: 10/10.

As you can see by the Appeal Rating, I thought this book was completely uh-may-zing. I enjoyed it so much, even if school did prevent me from reading it quickly. Cecelia Ahern is such a brilliant author, writing such realistic stories in out-of-this-world plots. This book was fantastic, a complete pleasure to read.

I loved the connection that Justin had with his daughter, Bea, and their conversations truly cracked me up. They're so witty that they could go on for days. I love it. Bea is such a typical teenager, with that cheeky backchat attitude. And Justin is such a relaxed dad, not irresponsible but not ridiculously strict. I want Justin to be my dad.

I also love Joyce's dad. The airport/aeroplane scene will never leave my mind. That was such a side-splitting moment, with the old questioning man and the agitated ... everybody else xD My god, it was so funny; I laugh just thinking about it now.

Amazing, amazing, amazing book. Recommend it? Of course!

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