Sunday 7 March 2010

Book Nine.

Title: Possessing Rayne
Author: Kate Cann
Summary: Why is Rayne suddenly so frightened by everything? She's come here to get away from the stifling city, away from her mother and her boyfriend - to find space and silence. But she's mystified by her new group of friends ... why are they so interested in the old house? Rayne can't imagine what's coming ...
Genre: Romance/Mystery
Time Started: 21st January, 1:30pm.
Time Ended: 24th January, 4:10pm.
Page Count: 299.
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Almost-sexuai content, talk of rape, swearing.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

It was a good story, but had a similar base to Leaving Poppy, which was by the same author. Like, the whole feeling crowded at home, moves out, moves into trouble, sort of thing. Even though the extended version is almost completely different (i.e., why they moved out, the kind of place they moved into, what the "trouble" is).

I want to say this now, get it out of my system - I DIDN'T TRUST ST JOHN, right from the beginning. There was something about him; they way he kissed Flora goodbye, and then kissed Rayne when he's only known her for a while. Seriously, who would DO that? It just seemed so unnatural, and then things just got weirder and weirder. Meh. Didn't like him.

Anyway, yeah, good story, freaky story, great read. Sorry this isn't longer; I can't think of much to say about it. Recommended!

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