Sunday 7 March 2010

Book Six.

Title: If You Could See Me Now
Author: Cecelia Ahern
Summary: Elizabeth Egan is too busy for friends. As a reluctant mother to her sister Saoirse's young son Luke and with her own business to run, every precious moment is made to count. But with Saoirse crashing in and out of their lives, leaving them both reeling, Luke and Elizabeth are desperately in need of some magic. Enter Ivan. Wild, spontaneous and always looking for adventure, Ivan changes Elizabeth in ways she could never have imagined. With her newly open eyes and heart, Elizabeth sees what she's been missing all along. As for Ivan, he thought he was there to help Luke, not Elizabeth - or himself ...
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Time Started: 8th January, 11:35am.
Time Ended: 17th January, 1:00pm.
Page Count: 328.
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Bad language.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

I'm not usually one for romantic comedy, but this was really, really cute. Ivan is adorable, with all his bizarre words and fantastic personality. I love how at times, he's like a six year old, and others he's so mature. It's wonderful. I really enjoyed this. It wasn't as good as 'PS, I Love You', by the same author (see Book Five), but it was still great.

I want to live in Ekam Eveileb, catch Jinny Joes, have the last name of Elbisivni, interrogate people with my partner "Monsier Rotalsnart", and drink ssalg-es of klim while doing the shoe-shuffle on the beach. However, I don't want to make best friends and leave them months later, so I will not take up Ivan's job. xD

Yeah, so anyway, this was really sweet. I love how Ivan made Elizabeth lighten up, and when Elizabeth began seeing him, I was like "Yesss!!" It was really sweet.

(And when Joe got the "fancy coffee machine", I laughed :) Then again, I laughed a lot throughout the book)

I recommend it, most definitely!

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