Friday 21 May 2010

Book Twenty-Eight

Title: Vampire Knight Vol. 2
Author: Matsuri Hino

Summary: Outside the safe boundary of the academy, Yuki is attacked by a vampire. Injured and unable to defend herself, two Night Class students come to her aid and kill the vampire. Yuki asks them why they killed their own kind, and they her to come to the Moon Dormitory at midnight to learn the answer ...
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 20th May, 2:10pm.
Time Ended: 20th May, 2:55pm.
Page Count: Unknown. I don't think MH believes in page numbers...?

Age Rating: "Older teen." 15+?
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating:7/10.

I definitely enjoyed this book more, as it stopped re-telling the same things, and the plot has started moving quickly. I was reading this in English, because my Thursday English lesson focuses more on reading than learning, while my Monday/Wednesday lessons focus on learning rather than reading. But, ANYWAY, I had to stop myself from squealing when one of the minor vampire characters cut another minor vampire's hand and drank his blood.

Who knew bloodsucking could be so ... so ... so ... erotic?


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