Friday 21 May 2010

Book Twenty-Five

We've reached the halfway mark! That means I'm ahead of myself. In order to be "on track", I had to have read twenty-five books by the middle of June. And it's only the middle of May. So I'm ahead ^.^

Title: Pita-Ten Vol 7
Author: Koge-Donbo
Summary: Grim times await Kotarou, Shia and Misha as Katorou pays his final respects to his dearly departed grandfather. In this tale of transcendent love, the dark secret that Misha has been harboring - the very reason for her coming to Earth - is finally revealed. Will her frienship with Kotarou be strong enough to withstand the shocking truth?!
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 18th May, 10:20pm
Time Ended: 18th May, 10:55pm
Page Count: 173
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 10/10.

Once again, I really enjoyed this volume! And, once again, I've read other books since, so I'm rusty. But this book was so sad. Really. I nearly cried.

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