Friday 31 December 2010

So, I'm two books short. However, I don't feel like I've lost the challenge, because I've read enough fanfiction over the course of 2010 to add up to OVER fifty books worth of writing. And by that, I meant over fifty books worth of just fanfiction.

It's mostly been one-shots and drabbles, but they add up. And I have read so many. Hundreds. And hundreds. And hundreds. Of one-shots and drabbles alone. I have 94 fanfictions favourited, 13 authors favourited (some of them 50+ fanfics and I've read most of them), and I have to really like a fanfiction to favourite it. Even more so to favourite an author.

When you think I've read Jigsaw Pieces, a one-shot collaboration with over 150 one-shots (as it currently stands 171 chapters and 215,017 words -- an average novel has between 30k and 70k), and then think about how many other one-shots I've read ... you could even push it and say I've probably broken the thousands barrier.

Some recent ones I've read include Thousand Ways To Leave This Place (a 20k one-shot) and Dalton (a WIP Glee multi-chaptered fic; word count currently stands at 142,785). I've also been reading a lot of Glee fanfiction on livejournal, which are usually 5,000+ each and I don't save/keep a record of.

Throughout the year, I've also been reading Just A Misunderstanding, which currently stands at 43,800 words. I also started reading Potentially Problematic at the beginning of the year and I only recently caught up with it. It's 54k words long.

I've also been reading almost everything posted on KWC, a writing forum, and a lot has been posted over the course of the year.

 If that isn't proof enough that I have far surpassed by goal, I don't know what more to give you. This is pretty much everything I've read with any sort of length to it, though I've read hundreds of shorter things, too.

I don't feel like I failed.

Tomorrow, I will be setting up a blog for 2011 Book Count. I'll keep the target the same as I didn't "technically" reach my goal, but there'll be different rules (I will be incorporating fanfiction into it this time).

Book Forty-Eight

Title: Me & Emma
Author: Elizabeth Flock
Opinion: So, I haven't technically finished this book yet, and I doubt I'll manage in the two hours I have left of 2010 because I have so much to do, but I'm three quarters of the way through it so I'm letting it count. It's pretty good so far, with the most adorable perspective (it's written in the perspective of a child, but without coming across as immature), and I recommend it!

Book Forty-Seven

Title: Harry Potter Film Wizardry
Author: ... A lot of people XD
Opinion: You'll most likely only find this interesting if you're either, a) a massive Potter fan, b) into behind-the-scenes things for filming, or c) both. I, personally, am c and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's really fascinating, and all the little pop-out/pull-out/etc. things inside are so so so so amazing. I am the proud owner of a Marauders Map because of this book, people!

Book Forty-Six

Title: Ouran High School Host Club Vol. 1
Author: Bisco Hatori
Opinion: I prefer the anime, but this is still so hilarious. I borrowed it from a friend, and I really need to get Vol. 2 from her. It's absolutely brilliant, and I certainly recommend it to any manga lovers out there.

Book Forty-Five

Title: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Author: JK Rowling
Opinion: It's Harry Potter. I am one of the biggest Harry Potter fans ever. Need I say more?

Book Forty-Four

Title: The Wave
Author: Morton Rhue
Opinion: I hated this book. We read it for school and it's the kind of book I would have read four years ago but I've always been an advanced reader so I guess it makes sense that they'd expect most people my age to read this and not find it too immature. Anyway, it was boring, was filled with plot holes, and was badly written. Not recommending!

Book Forty-Three

I've completely neglected this blog over the past few months, but I have been reading. I can't remember the dates for any of the books I've read recently, and I have a million other things I have to do before midnight. So ... I'll just give the title, author, and a short opinion on the book.

Title: Size Matters Not: The Extraordinary Life and Career of Warwick Davis
Author: Warwick Davis
Opinion: This is the first autobiography I've ever read, and it's absolutely amazing. Warwick has been in Harry Potter, Star Wars, Leprachaun -- he has played so many little characters and he is absolutely amazing. I loved the book; it was really interesting and he's a really amusing guy. Definitely recommending!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Book Forty-Two

Title: 13 Little Blue Envelopes
Author: Maureen Johnson
Summary: If your free-spirited aunt left you 13 little blue envelopes: Would you follow the directions? Would you travel around the world? Would you open the envelopes one by one? Inside envelope 1, is money and instructions to buy a plane ticket. Inside envelope 2, are directions to a specific London flat. Inside envelope 3, tells Ginny: find a starving artists. Because of envelope 4, Ginny and a playwright/thief/man-about-town called Keith go to Scotland together, with disastrous - though really romantic - results. But will she ever see him again?
Genre: Adventure
Time Started: 7th September.
Time Ended: 28th September, 11:54pm
Page Count:  319
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Minor sexual themes.
Appeal Rating: 9/10.

First things first, the blurb is really misleading. It makes it seem like a romance novel ... it's not. Yes, Keith and Ginny DO fall for each other and kiss a lot and sleep on a bench when Ginny misses lockout at the hostel, but it is not all about Ginny and Keith. It's about Ginny, about becoming independent, travelling the world, making friends, coming out of your shell. In no way is it a romance novel.


I really enjoyed this book. It took me a while to properly get into it, and it took me so long because (a) homework is ridiculous this year so it kept me busy, and (b) I wasn't reading much.

The characters are amazingly developed, and they all have fantastic, real personalities. Peg seems like such an awesome woman, and it's a shame Ginny didn't get to spend as much time with her as she could. Only a truly amazing person would take their niece around the world, through thirteen letters, in such a short amount of time.

Maureen Johnson is a fantastic writer, with a large imagination and an excellent sense of humour. I will definitely be checking out more of her books.

Now, I have to go do homework, so I can't write any more. Definitely recommended!

Sunday 5 September 2010

Book Forty-One

Title: Thirteen Reasons Why
Author: Jay Asher
Summary: You can't stop the future, you can't rewind the past. The only way to learn the secret ... is to press play. Clay Jensen returns home to find a strange package with his name on it. Inside he discovers several cassette tapes rrecorded by Hannah Baker - his classmate and first love - who committed suicide two weeks earlier. Hannah's voice explains there are thirteen reasons why she killed herself. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he'll find out why. All through the night, Clay keeps listening - and what he discovers changes his life ... Forever.
Genre: Angst/Drama
Time Started: 31st August, time unknown.
Time Ended: 5th September, 11:45pm
Page Count: 288
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Talk of suicide, mention of rape and sex.
Appeal Rating: 10/10.

Before I say anything about the actual book, I'm listening to Hannah's tapes here, and it's kind of freaky. If you want to listen to them, go to last page so you can start from the beginning.

Now, onto the book. It's so amazing. A favourite, most definitely. It's such a moving book, and anyone who reads this and doesn't at least get tears in their eyes at some point is heartless. Because the tapes are deep and so emotional, even Clay cries. I don't know about anyone else, but I was so anxious as Clay listened to the tapes, as if my name were to pop up (I was anxious about Clay's name, actually, but anyone would think I expected mine).

I love the format of this book, too. It's really imaginative and original, and that's an instant thumbs up from me. This story is so real and so unbelievably touching, it really is fantastic. And it's late (I turned the laptop on as soon as I finished, so I could tell you about it), so I really can't think of anything to say.

I definitely reccommend!

Monday 30 August 2010

Book Forty

Title: An Abundance of Katherines
Author: John Green
Summary: When it comes to relationships, Colin Singleton's type is girls names Katherine. And when it comes to girls named Katherine, Colin is always getting dumped. Nineteen times, to be exact. On a road trip miles from home, this anagram-happy, washed-up child prodigy has ten thousand dollars in his pocket, a bloodthirsty feral hog on his trail, and an overweight, Judge Judy-loving best friend riding shotgun - but no Katherins. Colin is on a mission to prove the Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability, which he hopes will predict the future of any relationship, avenge Dumpees everywhere, and finally win him the girl.
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Time Started: I can't remember
Time Ended: 30th August, 3:38am.
Page Count: 215
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Profanity, suggestive conversation.
Appeal Rating: 7/10.

It started off really slow and I admit, I wasn't getting into it. But about a third of the way through, I started getting into it, and it kept getting better, and I started to connect with the characters and I really liked it.

In certain aspects, I'm like Lindsey, but not drastically similar. It's in the sense that she's "not real" because she changes herself for people. Around TOC, she's bubbly and giggly and preppy. Around the oldsters, she has a Southern accent and she's sweet and generous. Around Colin, she's herself. She stops pretending.

In a way, this is like me. My truest form is the one I show online. Offline, people will judge me for what I like and who I like, etc., so I hide certain things from them. Online, people don't judge me, and those who do - well, who cares about them?

It's the way I hide offline that makes me like her. The Internet is the Colin to my Lindsey.

But enough rambling - it was a great book and I recommend it.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Book Thirty-Nine

Title: Paper Towns
Author: John Green
Summary: Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificent, adventurous Margo Roth Speigelman from afar. So when she opens his bedroom window late one night and summons him to join her on an ingenious campaign of revenge - he follows. After their all-nighter ends and a knew day breaks, Q arrives at school to find that Margo has not. Always an enigma, she now becomes a mystery and Q soon learns that there are clues to be followed in his search for Margo.
Genre: Adventure/Mystery
Time Started: 9th August, time unknown
Time Ended: 10th August, time unknown.
Page Count: 305 
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Profanity, talk of sex/genitalia
Appeal Rating: 9/10.

This book is so amazing. I had high expectations, and Paper Towns beat them. The characterisation is fantastic, the friendship between Quentin/Ben/Radar/Lacey/etc. is so believable, and I lost count of the amount of times I literally laughed out loud at this book. But as funny and witty as it was, it really made me think. Margo's clues are really complex, and honestly, I wouldn't have gotten half as close to Margo as Quentin managed -- even if I had friends helping me.

The road trip was awesome. Most authors would skip over it, or touch on it lightly, because road trips can be quite boring ... but John Green made it amusing, kept our interest from beginning to end (well, that goes for the whole book, not just the road trip). When Ben started complaining about needing to pee, 'Peeing In A Bottle' by Armoured Bearcub started playing (I was listening to my phone-come-MP4). That was so freaky.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Paper Towns. Definitely recommended.

Book Thirty-Eight

Title: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Author: JKRowling
Summary: Harry Potter, along with his best friends, Ron and Hermione, is about to start his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry can't wait to get back to school after the summer holidays. (Who wouldn't if they lived with the horrible Dursleys?) But when Harry gets to Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense. There's an escaped mass murderer on the loose, and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school ...
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Time Started: 8th August, time unknown.
Time Ended: 9th August, time unknown.
Page Count:317
Age Rating: N/A
Warning: Total awesomeness
Appeal Rating: 10/10.

This is one of my favourite books in the Potter series, and effectively, of all time. Enough said.

Book Thirty-Seven

Title: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets  
Author: JKRowling
Summary: Harry Potter is a wizard. He is in his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft of Wizardry. Little does he know that this year will be just as eventful as the last ...    
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Time Started: 6th August. Time unknown.
Time Ended: 7th August. Time unknown.
Page Count: 251    
Age Rating: N/A
Warning: Total awesomeness
Appeal Rating: 10/10.

It's Harry Potter.
Enough said.

Book Thirty-Six

Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 
Author: JKRowling
Summary: Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy - until he is rescued by a beetle-eyed giant of a man, enrols at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns to play Quidditch and does battle in a deadly duel. The Reason: HARRY POTTER IS A WIZARD!
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Time Started: A while ago. Date uncertain.
Time Ended: 6th August, time unknown.
Page Count: 223
Age Rating: N/A
Warning: Total awesomeness
Appeal Rating: 9/10.

This is the third time I've re-read the series, and I started re-reading it for a book club on a forum I'm on. We were meant to read three chapters a week and then discuss them. However, that book club slowly disappeared, and I didn't really put much effort into reading. I wasn't in a reading mood, see. I went on holiday this weekend and, with nothing to do during the evenings, I relied on books. And so I got this finished the first night we were there.

Just like the past two times, the story never grows old. Being a huge Potternerd, I can read and re-read and re-read and re-read the books without ever getting bored, and I know it.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Book Thirty-Five

Title: Storm Catchers  
Author: Tim Bowler
Summary: Fin is devastated when his sister is kidnapped. Poor, frightened Ella, snatched away from the house in the middle of a storm. Fin will never forgive himself for leaving her on her own. Still, at least they'll get her back when they've paid the money. But the kidnapper has more than just money on his mind. And as his plans unfold, Fin and his family are forced to confront their deepest, darkest secrets. A storm is breaking, and it's going to change everything.
Genre: Mystery.
Time Started: 10th May, unknown time.
Time Ended: 11th June, unknown time.
Page Count: Unknown.
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Profanity
Appeal Rating: 4/10.

I had to read this in school, only during English lessons, and I regret to say that I chose it for my group to read. Although, if I'm honest, it was the best-looking one in the stock cupboard. So... yeah.

The plot is interesting, the characters are amazing for the most part, but I can't stand the way Tim Bowler writes. I don't what it is about it, but I just couldn't get into it. He writes as if he's writing for little kids, despite the relatively complex plot, and throws in swear words now and then just to higher the age rating. It's really rushed, and it's as if he hasn't re-drafted.

However, it's clear that he's planned it, because the plot is well-thought out, and that much is obvious. With the kidnapping and the pendulum and Imogen and Ricky ... it's so inventive. If only he could write better, this could be an excellent book.

There's a storm coming, gotta catch it.

Book Thirty-Four

Title: Vampire Knight Vol. 7  
Author: Matsuri Hino
Summary: N/A
Genre: Romance
Time Started: Unknown.
Time Ended: Unknown.
Page Count: Unknown.
Age Rating: "Older teen." 15+?
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 9/10.

I think this is the one in which Zero drinks Kaname's blood. Do you have any idea how erotic it looks? As a slash fangirl, I squealed (internally, because I was with family) at it in glee, but still - It looked like ... a porno manga or something O_O I remember changing my position on the sofa so my aunt couldn't look over and see it. Haha.



Oh, and by the way, I can't finish reading the series because someone decided to take them out of the library before I could get my hands on them, and apparently, they want to drive me mad by not returning them. Also, if I buy them, I'll want to buy the entire series, and at £7 a book, I don't have that kind of money just laying around.

Book Thirty-Three

Title: Vampire Knight Vol. 6  
Author: Matsuri Hino
Summary: N/A
Genre: Romance
Time Started: Unknown.
Time Ended: Unknown.
Page Count: Unknown.
Age Rating: "Older teen." 15+?
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

Book Thirty-Two

Title: Vampire Knight Vol. 5
Author: Matsuri Hino
Summary: N/A
Genre: Romance
Time Started: Unknown.
Time Ended: Unknown.
Page Count: Unknown.
Age Rating: "Older teen." 15+?
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

Book Thirty-One

I am an idiot. First of all, I'm sorry for neglecting you. I have been reading. Secondly, I wrote down the blurbs for Vampire Knight Vol. 4-7 so I could return them to the school library, but I can't find the sheet ANYWHERE. I've literally turned my room inside out, but it's hopeless. I can't remember when I read those specific volumes, or what happened in each individual one, so I'm just going to post my overall opinion of the entire series, but in seperate entries, so ... yeah. iSuck. [nopunintended]

Title: Vampire Knight Vol. 4  
Author: Matsuri Hino
Summary: N/A
Genre: Romance
Time Started: Unknown.
Time Ended: Unknown.
Page Count: Unknown.
Age Rating: "Older teen." 15+?
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

Sunday 23 May 2010

Book Thirty.

Title: New Moan
Author: Stephfordy Mayo
Summary: Heffa Lump is just a typical, pale and interesting seventeen-year-old. But then she moves to Spatula and meets Teddy Kelledy, an impossibly gorgeous boy who eats rare meat, is super-strong and never goes out in the sunlight. Could he - just maybe - be a vampire? (Hint: totally.) A tale of first love, painful longing and even more painful pointy teeth, New Moan is a hilarious parody of the phenomenon that is Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga.
Genre: Romance, Humour, Parody
Time Started: 23rd May, 9:50am (ish)
Time Ended: 23rd May, 2:00pm (ish)
Page Count: 272
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Mature themes/conversation/topics/etc.
Appeal Rating: 9/10.

I bought this book yesterday, and I can safely say that it was worth the money. I absolutely loved this book. As @loupie said on Twitter, "This book is brilliant. It somehow manages to take everything we all hate about Twilight and make it funny." Side-splittingly so, I'd say. Now, I'm not usually a fan of comedic books/crack!fics/parodies because the writers try too hard to be funny that you end up rolling your eyes instead of laughing. However, as I dislike Twilight so much, I couldn't pass up the oppurtunity and bought it immediately - I do not regret it. The humour in this book is so natural, as if someone who dislikes it was merely talking about Twilight and mimicking the characters.

Speaking of which, the names and places were hilarious, too. Heffa Lump (Bella), Joe Cahontas (Jacob), Justin Case (Michael), Chump Lump (Charlie), Spatula (Forks), Port D'angerous (Port Angeles), Sunnytown (Phoenix) ... you just can't help but laugh.

I love how it connects and changes parts from each of the books, along with including original parts that aren't seen in the books, too. It's a nice combination, proving to the reader that no, the author didn't just copy the scenes and fix them up. S/he worked over this parody, thought about it deeply, considered what parts to include and what not.

I recommend this to everyone over the age of thirteen, whether you're a fan of the books or not. It's really enjoyable (:

Book Twenty-Nine.

Title: Vampire Knight Vol. 3
Author: Matsuri Hino
Summary: Kaname, the pureblood vampire, has kept to his room since learning of Yuki and Zero's forbidden act. However, the arrival of Ichijo's grandfather brings the entire Night Class together to greet one of the oldest vampires on the senate. Ichijo's grandfather says he's there merely to visit his grandson, but he's out for Kaname's blood.
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 23rd May, 9:10am
Time Ended: 23rd May,9:45am.
Page Count: Unknown.
Age Rating: "Older teen." 15+?
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

This book, compared to the last two, is absolutely fantastic. The plot is really going somewhere now, we're finding depth to the characters - seeing more than just their level of authority or social status in the school. I like Yuki in certain respects - her past, her selflessness, her authority - but other parts remind me disgustingly of Bella Swan from Twilight, and she's an awful character. Begging to have her blood sucked, easily accepting vampires, etc. ... it's all very stereotypical human-falls-for-vampire setting. And, yes, Zero and Kaname are amazing characters who deserve her love and acceptance, but I just have to roll my eyes at some of Yuki's lines.

Even so, another book thoroughly enjoyed *thumbs up*

Friday 21 May 2010

Book Twenty-Eight

Title: Vampire Knight Vol. 2
Author: Matsuri Hino

Summary: Outside the safe boundary of the academy, Yuki is attacked by a vampire. Injured and unable to defend herself, two Night Class students come to her aid and kill the vampire. Yuki asks them why they killed their own kind, and they her to come to the Moon Dormitory at midnight to learn the answer ...
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 20th May, 2:10pm.
Time Ended: 20th May, 2:55pm.
Page Count: Unknown. I don't think MH believes in page numbers...?

Age Rating: "Older teen." 15+?
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating:7/10.

I definitely enjoyed this book more, as it stopped re-telling the same things, and the plot has started moving quickly. I was reading this in English, because my Thursday English lesson focuses more on reading than learning, while my Monday/Wednesday lessons focus on learning rather than reading. But, ANYWAY, I had to stop myself from squealing when one of the minor vampire characters cut another minor vampire's hand and drank his blood.

Who knew bloodsucking could be so ... so ... so ... erotic?


Book Twenty-Seven

Title: Vampire Knight Vol. 1
Author: Matsuri Hino
Summary: Cross Academy is attended by two groups of students: the Day Class and the Night Class. At twilight, when the students of the Day Class return to their dorm, they cross paths with the Night Class on their way to school. Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu are the Guardians of the school, protecting the Day Class from the Academy's dark secret: the Night Class is full of vampires! Yuki Cross has no memory of her past prior to the moment she was saved from a vampire attack ten years ago. She was adopted by the headmaster of Cross Academy, and now works alongside Zero to guard the Academy's secret. Yuki believes that vampires and humans can coexist peacefully, but her partner has different ideas ...
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 19th May, 8:30am
Time Ended: 19th May, 10:35pm
Page Count: Unknown. The last page number I can find is 70, and that's well over a hundred pages before the end.
Age Rating: "Older teen." 15+?
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 5/10.

I wasn't too keen on this one. Yes, the plot is alright and the art if fantastic, but I quickly got annoyed at how the chapters all start the same... "I'm Yuki, that's Cross. We're the Guardians of the School and the Night Class - ZOMG - they're vampires." Literally, it tells us that they're the Guardians so often, it's completely ridiculous. So, that ruined it, as did the cliché-ness of the vampires (stunning beauty gets old after a while).

Book Twenty-Six

Title: Pita-Ten Vol 8
Author: Koge-Donbo
Summary: Kotarou may finally have to move on! His relationship with Misha is in the shambles and Shia is out of the picture ... so who is left? Kotarou's long-time friend Koboshi, that's who! When she confesses her true feelings for him, with Takashi sit idly by? These matters of the heart may just have to wait for Kotarou's impending middle school entrance exam. Meanwhile, Misha is cramming for her Angelic Examination, but a hard truth is about to be revealed that could spell disaster. Futures will be decided and fates sealed with the outcome of these exams! Don't miss out on any of the tear-jerking drama in the final volume of Pita-Ten!
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 18th May, 11:00pm
Time Ended: 18th May, 11:35pm
Page Count: 192
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 10/10.

I actually cried. The ending of this book honestly made me cry. My friend read the series two books behind me, and she's finished it now, and she thinks I'm too emotional. She found it sad, too, but not enough to cry. I think that perhaps, because I'm a writer, I connect with characters more easily than she would, and so I'm more prone to cry. Because honestly, I'm anything but emotional. Still, I found this utterly heartbreaking.

I loved it.

Book Twenty-Five

We've reached the halfway mark! That means I'm ahead of myself. In order to be "on track", I had to have read twenty-five books by the middle of June. And it's only the middle of May. So I'm ahead ^.^

Title: Pita-Ten Vol 7
Author: Koge-Donbo
Summary: Grim times await Kotarou, Shia and Misha as Katorou pays his final respects to his dearly departed grandfather. In this tale of transcendent love, the dark secret that Misha has been harboring - the very reason for her coming to Earth - is finally revealed. Will her frienship with Kotarou be strong enough to withstand the shocking truth?!
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 18th May, 10:20pm
Time Ended: 18th May, 10:55pm
Page Count: 173
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 10/10.

Once again, I really enjoyed this volume! And, once again, I've read other books since, so I'm rusty. But this book was so sad. Really. I nearly cried.

Book Twenty-Four.

Title: Pita-Ten Vol6
Author: Koge-Donbo
Summary: As Kotarou tries to uncover the roots of his relationship with Misha and Shia, the journey of discovery turns into a mystery wrapped deep within their history. When the details to the past begin to become exposed, forgotten promises and secret truths are finally revealed. Will it all be enough to bring Kotarou, Misha and Shia together for a happy romance?
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 17th May, 10:25pm
Time Ended: 17th May, 11:00pm
Page Count: 194
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: N/A
Appeal Rating: 10/10.

Sorry, guys, I've been putting this off for a while, so I don't have the usual "OMG-this part was amazing, that character's so annoying." as I usually do, especially since I've read other books since now. Sorryyyy. My fault.

I do remember one thing, though. I loved this volume. The flashbacks were absolutely gripping; I couldn't put it down, even if I wanted to.

Book Twenty-Three

Title: Pita-Ten Vol 5
Author: Koge-Donbo
Summary: Sasha has a message for Kotarou: Back off! The uber-hip angelic diva is dead set on helping Misha ace her angel exam, and she thinks that Kotarou has been clouding Misha's judgement. However, Kotarou has an eye for someone else - Shia, Misha's kind-hearted roommate. Will Cupid's arrow strike Shia and Kotarou? Or will Misha be his angel of the morning?
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 17th May, 1:20pm
Time Ended: 17th May, 2:05pm
Page Count: 195
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

Sorry, guys, I've been putting this off for a while, so I don't have the usual "OMG-this part was amazing, that character's so annoying." as I usually do, especially since I've read other books since now. Sorryyyy. My fault.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Book Twenty-Two.

Title: Pita-Ten Vol4
Author: Koge-Donbo
Summary: Kotarou and his classmates take the middle-school entrance exams while Misha takes her own angelic test in order to earn her new wings. if she is able to ace the test, she will finally be able to prove to Kotarou that she is indeed an angel. Meanwhile, as Ten-chan makes a play for Shia's affections, he discovers that Kotarou also has the hots for her!
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 14th May, 8:25am
Time Ended: 15th May, 11:30pm.
Page Count: 194
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Nudity. Once.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.
Truthfully, it's not obvious that Kotarou "has the hots" for Shia. If anything, I'd say he was starting to like Misha as more than a friend, especially since she stripped in front of him (that was an eyebrow-raiser, most definitely. Heh). While Ten-chan is gaga over the girl, it seems - to me - that Kotarou sees her as a friend and a carer. Nothing more, nothing less. But, heyho, we all have our own interpretations, don't we? Maybe it'll be less subtle in later books.

This book is probably the most eventful so far, and since I finished it just a few hours ago (it's currently 1:30am, see), it's at the front of my mind. I really enjoyed it, and I definitely recommend it (:

Book Twenty-One.

Title: Pita-Ten Vol.3
Author: Koge-Donbo
Summary: Ever since he was a little boy, Kotarou has been able to see angels. This has certainly come in handy, since he has one named Misha living next door! But when the angel Sasha descends to Earth, she's a bit flustered by Kotaroi's ability to sense her. Sasha also has suspicions about Misha's roommate, Shia. Indeed, what secrets does Shia keep safely tucked inside her raven-topped head? Is she a vampire, a demon, a ghost, or another angel? In the midst of such contemplations, Sasha develops a massive crush on Kotaroi's best friend, Takashi! But wait! Can it be that Takashi actually has feelings for ... Shia?!
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 13th May, 8:30am
Time Ended: 13th May, 10:30pm.
Page Count: 195
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: N/A
Appeal Rating: 8/10.
 I've read Volume Four since reading this one, so it's all a little mixed, but I remember that Sasha didn't even play a huge role in the third volume, so I'm not entirely sure why the blurb is like OMGSASHA!!!!1!!!111!! ... Yeah. So, with each book I read, I enjoy it more, and I'm starting to just deal with Misha and her perky, annoying tendancies, even if it still makes me want to punch her lights out. But I'm controlling myself.

And I'm starting to utterly adore Ten-chan. He's so cute and adorable and smart and I love him. Yupyupyup. Hey... stop looking at me like that... we all like manga characters at some point! At least it's not as bad as my friend, who looks at the pictures over my shoulder while I'm reading: he thinks that Misha's fit. Yuck.

Recommended? Yupp(:

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Book Twenty

Title: Pita-Ten Vol.2
Author: Koge-Donbo
Summary: When your next-door neighbours are a hyperactive angel and her enigmatic friend, life can be filled with drama - just ask Kotarou. Mayhem magnifies when Kotaroi's best friend, Takashi, sprains his ankle right before the elementary school's new play is set to debut! And now Kotaroi must take on the lead role as the Moon Princess Kaguya! Will Kotarou get stage fright, or just frighten everyone on stage? Send in the clowns - we'll have tragedy tomorrow, comedy tonight!
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 12th May, 8:30am
Time Ended: 12th May, 4:30pm.
Page Count: 178
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: N/A
Appeal Rating: 7/10.
I undoubtedly enjoyed this more than the last one, though I'm not surprised, because I knew the layout from the start, and I was familiar with the characters. I could look at a picture and think, "Hey, that's Kotarou!" or see "Tee hee hee!" and groan at the arrival of Misha. However, I still get Ten-chan and Ayanokoji-kun hopelessly mixed up. But, either way, they're still great and I enjoyed it.

You know, when Allie requested that I read manga, I was reluctant and doubted I'd like it. When I started reading Pita-Ten, I fully expected to hate it ... and I can tell you, I didn't enjoy much at first. But then I started looking past all the things I don't like about manga - the lack of description, the all-dialogue writing format, and started looking at the plot and things like that, and I was able to get into it. Although I'm still kind of grumblegrumblemangagrumble, I'm more open to it.

But as much as I'm enjoying the series, I still want to punch Misha's lights out whenever she pops up. No teenager can be so preppy and annoying. Buuuut, whatever.

Good book, nonetheless.

Book Nineteen.

Title: Pita-Ten Vol. 1
Author: Koge-Donbo
Summary: It's a hard-knock life for Kotarou. His father is always away on business, and his mother recently passed away. He spends a lot of time alone...and he hates it. Maybe he can make good use of his solitude - his middle school exams are looming ahead, and he needs to buckle to down and study hard. But his concentration - along with his loneliness - is shattered when a zany girl named Misha unexpectedly moves in next door to him. Soon, Misha starts cropping up every Kotarou goes! Although she seems to have a stalker's mentality, MIsha claims she's an angel. Her mission: To make sure Kotaroi is happy and safe. That's a tall order, since Misha seems to know almost nothing about life on Earth!
Genre: Romance
Time Started: 10th May, 8:25am.
Time Ended: 11th May, 5:10pm.
Page Count: 178
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: N/A
Appeal Rating: 5/10.
There isn't much I can say about it, really. It's the first manga I've ever read from start to finish. I went through most of the book confused about how to read it, starting in the wrong places all the time and messing up a lot, so I wasn't taking much of it in. What I was taking in, however, was very weird, and even after reading the second book and wanting to read further, I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I asked my friend, Allie, who was the one who made me read it, and even she decided it was weird. So, clearly, I chose the wrong manga to start off with, because it's not giving me a great impression on other manga books.

But it's not unbearable. 

Misha-san annoys the hell out of me, I always get Ayanokoji-kun and Ten-chan mixed up because they're both fair-haired, and I still stumble over the layout every now and then, but other than that, I can find no reason to disapprove of it. It was an alright book, and I'm not going to deny it. It was good enough to make me read the next one, so that counts for something, right?

Book Eighteen.

Title: Eagle Strike
Author: Anthony Horowitz
Summary: Relaxing in the South of France reluctant MI6 agent Alex Rider is finally able to feel like any ordinary  fourteen-year-old - until a sudden, ruthless attack on his hosts plunges him back into a world of violence and mystery. And this time, MI6 don't want to know. Alex is determined to track down his friends' attackers, even if he must do it alone. But it's a path that leads to a long-buried secret - and a discovery more terrible than anything he could have imagined.
Genre: Adventure/Action
Time Started: 18th April, 8:25am
Time Ended: 11th May, 11:28pm.
Page Count: 329
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Violence
Appeal Rating: 9/10

I was close to tears by the end of this book. It is, by far, the most dramatic book yet. Although school started up and I didn't touch it for ages, I really did enjoy it. I read just under half of it last night. Horowitz creates such amazing characters with wonderful backgrounds, and you can tell by the way the books connect that he had the entire series planned out before he put pen to paper. He didn't write the first book, ponder for a few months over the next one, and write it. You can tell he planned them all beforehand, creating backgrounds and pasts for the characters.

I've said this before, but this time I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart ... I love Yassen. I don't care if he's a ruthless contract killer. I love him. He's such an amazing character, and although I already knew about Alex's dad (I kind of accidentally read one of the blurbs for the later books in the series because they were in the wrong order on my shelf ... and I had my suspicions from the first chapter of Eagle Strike - the prologue bit xD), hearing it from Yassen himself just chokes me up. In fact, whenever I think of this quote, I want to cry: "In a way, I loved him. I love you too, Alex. You are so very much like him. I'm glad that you're here with me now." And then, naturally, I wanted to cry even more to the event that happened after that, which I don't want to ruin for you. Sniffle.

And even after that upsetting penultimate chapter, the next one was also filled with a lot of grief. Sabina left for San Fransisco! We all knew it was going to happen eventually, that Sabina would get a taste of Alex's world and run for the hills, but it's not fair. They were so cute together.

Through all that, though, through all the times I got tears in my eyes, I never actually cried. Weird, eh?

And now, Alex is going to go off to find Scorpia, like Yassen told him to.
It might be a little eensie while before I continue reading the series, because I'm working my way through a  manga series at the moment (blame my friend, Allie xD). However, saying that, I've finished the second book and have to spend the rest of the evening book-less, so I'll probably start Scorpia tonight and not finish it for ages. Heh. Now, I need to write up the other reviewy thingies for the manga... Roar. Oh, and also, I'm reading 'Storm Catchers' by Tim Bowler in school with my group of six, so once we've finished that, I'll be adding that to the list. Sorry. Rambling.

Definitely, definitely, definitely recommended. Love you, Yassen.

Saturday 17 April 2010

Book Seventeen.

 Well, I completed the mini-challenge... Three and a half books read this half term so far, and I still have today and tomorrow to read another one to make it four and a half.

Title: Skeleton Key
Author: Anthony Horowitz
Summary: Sharks. Assassins. Nuclear bombs. Alex Rider's in deep water. Reluctant teenage superspy Alex Rider faces his most dangerous challenge yet. On a private island near Cuba, the insane Russian General Sarov is hatching
explosive plans to rewrite history. Alone, and equipped only with a handful of ingenious gadgets, Alex must outwit him, as the seconds tick away towards the end of the world ...
Genre: Adventure/Action
Time Started: 14th April, 10:30pm
Time Ended: 17th April, 12:05am
Page Count: 325
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Violence
Appeal Rating: 9/10

This book was amazing. I really enjoyed reading it. Poor Alex can never get a break - even when MI6 doesn't send him looking for trouble, trouble finds him. But then again, he found Sabina, too, so I doubt he's complaining. Speaking of Sabina - when she kissed him, I died a little inside. Not of jealousy or anything ... nooo, that'd be stupid. They turned me into mushy fangirl-ness. It was adorable. And I don't care if I'm spoiling it by telling you about it; I can't keep it back.

The door opened. Somebody had come into his room. It was Sabina. She was leaning over him. He felt her hair fall against his cheek and smelled her faint perfume; flowers and white musk. Her lips brushed gently against his.
"You're much cuter than James Bond," she said.
And then she was gone. The door closed behind her.
You had to read the part before to understand it, but cliffnotes version, Sabina wanted to know what he was hiding, he said he was a spy - like a teenage James Bond, but Sabina didn't believe him. Aw, they're so cute together. And so, naturally, I enjoyed the ending, when they found each other again. I thought it was very, very cute. 

It was a really amazing plot in this book; the thought that went into it is fantastic. Alex was going all around the globe and so much happened in each place. It's just unbelievable that such an extensive plot can fit into such few pages. The characters were, as per usual, really well-written ... Conrad scared the crap out of me. Not in a "AHHHHH!" way, but in a "Oh my god, freak!" way. He's really ... *shudders*. I didn't like him. But he's an amazing character. 

Sarov broke my heart. Even though he's the villain, and he planned to destroy half the world ... the way he treated Alex just made me melt. And the last time we see him in this book is definitely the part that brought me close to tears. I can't imagine being Alex, he must feel so guilty. Sarov has a heart, which you don't see a lot in villains, and all he wanted was Vladimir. Awh. Like I said ... he made my heart melt. I don't want to spoil it for you, but it's really hard not to ... I'm trying to keep quiet. 

Moving on ...

Really amazing book. Recommended? Of course.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Book Sixteen

Title: Point Blanc
Author: Anthony Horowitz
Summary: Alex Rider, teenage superspy, is back. Fourteen-year-old Alex is back at school trying to adapt to his new double life ... and double homework. But MI6 have other plans for him. Armed only with a false ID and a new collection of brilliantly disguised gadgets, Alex must infiltrate the mysterious Point Blanc Academy and establish the truth about what is really happening there. Can he alert the world to what he finds before it is too late?
Genre: Adventure/Action
Time Started: 11th April, 10:15pm
Time Ended: 14th April, 11:30am
Page Count: 281
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Violence
Appeal Rating: 9/10

I read the majority of this book last night; over half of it, in fact. And then I finished it this morning. So I have just about the entire plot at the front of my mind. Horowitz is so amazingly intelligent and logical. Not only can he delve into the mind of a fourteen-year-old boy, but he can form a deep, clever mystery for Alex to solve - in the Alps, no less. I would love to write a spy book, but I would never be able to come up with a decent mystery for the spy to solve. So much thought has to go into it - why does the villain want this? Does he know he's doing wrong? How strongly does he believe in what he's doing? Who will need to be involved in this - on both the good and bad sides? Who needs to be manipulated? Where is a good location, and what needs to be there? How does he plan to carry out his tasks? It's never-ending!

And then, of course, you have to write it like you don't know what's going to happen, dropping off subtle hints that don't mean anything until the readers find out what's going on, little subplots that all tie together in the end, tiny phrases that make the reader ponder - and then go "Oh, I get it! That's what they were on about." only when the truth has been revealed. I'd never be able to do that; it's so fantastic. Even people who aren't into action/adventure/spy books still have to respect Anthony Horowitz and the depth in which he thinks up these plots. It must take him ages.

So, naturally, the plot gets a thumbs up from me.

The characters are great, too. They're all so original and different, and yet there's similarities where it's needed. Like Alex says a lot in this book, different but the same. Of course, it was essential to the plot that all the boys looked different but acted the same. It needed to happen. But it intrigued me. Naturally, I loved James; he was great. Oddly enough, I liked Fiona, too, even though she's a royal bitch. I guess it's just that her behaviour makes me laugh out loud because it's so ridiculous but it's so typically rich daddy's girl. I love how she thinks everyone's in love her, and I laughed so hard I thought I was going to wake up everyone in the house when Alex rejected her. Although honestly, if a fourteen-year-old boy was left in the same house as a gorgeous fifteen-year-old girl, regardless of how snobby she was, you'd think he'd have ... thoughts, wouldn't you? (Then again, it IS a kids' book xD) Yet Alex would rather kiss the horse. Oh, Alex, you're great ^.^

As you can tell, I really enjoyed this. It was excellent. Recommended. Obviously.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Book Fifteen.

Title: Stormbreaker
Author: Anthony Horowitz
Summary: When his guardian dies in suspicious circumstances, fourteen-year-old Alex Rider finds his world turned upside down. Within days he's gone from schoolboy to superspy. Forcibly recruited into MI6, Alex has to take part in gruelling SAS training exercises; then, arme with his own special set of secret gadgets, he's off on his first mission. But Alex soon finds himself in mortal danger. It looks as if his first assignment may well be his last ...
Genre: Adventure/Action
Time Started: 7th April, 10:10pm.
Time Ended: 9th April, 11:35pm.
Page Count:  236
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Violence
Appeal Rating: 9/10

This book, in the words of Mr Sayle, is bliddy amazing. Not entirely sure how he came up with bliddy, but there we go. Although some parts were quite childish, and I had to laugh and roll my eyes at them, it was overall a fantastic book. I'm not usually keen on action books, because the authors try to describe everything in minute detail and you don't get the snap-snap-snap action that you get in movies, where everything happens so fast it makes you head spin. Anthony Horowitz makes that happen. He gives it the snap-snap-snap. He doesn't worry about detail when Alex is sandwiched between two Jeeps and only just manages to escape. He just tells it as it is, giving us a quick-pace read. I love that he's able to do that.

I don't have a particular "favourite" character, but I like Mr. Grin in a sort of "You interest me..." way. He's interesting, but he kind of freaks me out, and my mental image of him is enough to give anyone nightmares. And I like Yassen Gregorovich; he's a mystery ... polite but evil. Hey, why do I ALWAYS like the bad guys? They always die in the end, don't they? Well ... Yassen didn't die ... but there's, like, seven or eight books, so he'll probably end up dying eventually. Eh, well, anyway ... I like Yassen.

Alex: "You're not going to shoot me, too?"
Yassen: "Do I have any need to?"

And I love how he's so calm and responsible, too. It's really intriguing.

"You killed Ian Rider," Alex said. "He was my uncle."
Yassen shrugged. "I kill a lot of people."
"One day I'll kill you."
"A lot of people have tried." Yassen smiled. "Believe me," he said. "it would be better if we didn't meet again. Go back to school. Go back to your life. And the next time they ask you, say no. Killing is for grown-ups and you're still a child."

Anyway, enough with complimenting the bad guys... Good book; definitely recommended. (:

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Book Fourteen.

 [Mini Challenge I: Book One] (see end of this blog)

Title: Sorceress
Author: Celia Rees
Summary: Alison Ellman is still searching for information about Mary Newbury. She has a diary and some scattered information about Mary's life, but Mary has disappeared into the forests of New England and Alison has no way of following her across the centuries. Then Alison meets Agnes Herne, a descendant of Mary's who has a special skill that allows her to contact Mary in the spirit world. Now at last we hear Mary's story after her ill-fated time in Beulah - a story that takes her across the New World in an epic search for a home.
Genre: Adventure
Time Started: 18th March, 7:30pm.
Time Ended: 7th April, 8:10pm
Page Count: 303
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Violence, mention of sex, character death.
Appeal Rating: 8/10

It was a good book and, I hate to bring it down, but the reason it took me so long was because I just didn't want to read the present day bits with Agnes and Alison. It's not because they were poorly written or boring or anything of the like, I just really only cared about Mary. So, instead of pushing through to get to Mary's parts, I just left the book, bookmark at the start of a new chapter involving Alison and Agnes until I was forced to pick it back up again (We read for half an hour every Thursday English lesson). Then I noticed how long it had been since I last read it, and I set out to change that. So for about a week, I've been pushing through to the end, trying to read the present day chapters as fast as possible to get to the parts I really wanted to read. Personally, I think Celia Rees should have spent less time focusing on Agnes and Alison, and more time on Mary. But, on with the review ...

I enjoyed this book; I loved reading about the Native ways, and trying to pronounce all their odd names was a laugh. I love how it doesn't dwell on time, how years can pass in one paragraph, yet a day could pass in an entire chapter. Celia Rees spaces it out well, leaving out parts where nothing majorly interesting happened, informing us of only the important parts of Mary's life. We don't want to read about the pattern she repeats every day, the chores and clothes she make in her spare time - we want to read about the tribe being ambushed, and Mary being mistaken for a captive. And that's exactly what Rees provided us with.

Black Fox, Mary's son, is a fantastic character - one of my favourites - but I doubt anyone can beat Ephraim. He's such a realistic character, young but determined, flawed but strong. While Black Fox was raised to be a hunter, passionate about fighting, Ephraim was just a boy that got caught up in the battle, thrown into the ways of the tribe without any preparation. And it showed, and that's why I like him. Of course, Mary was great, too.

I love how the book kept me on my toes. So much happened to Mary, and all so quickly. She constantly had to relocate, jump from tribe to tribe, village to village. It was hard to keep track of it all, but the quick-fire pace made it better, as if I were with Mary throughout her journey. By the end of the book, Jaybird and Speckled Bird* were the last people on my mind; I didn't even think of the people in Beulah until I read Alison's extra notes about them. I was wrapped up in Black Fox, Mary, the Mohawks. Actually writing this review is somewhat of a challenge for me; I am positive that I'll leave something out, and so I'm purposely keeping it vague.

Overall, it was a good book and I definitely recommend it - though, of course, you'll have to read Witch Child first to make any sense of it.

I've set myself a mini-challenge, in case you're interested, because I've been slacking with my reading lately** ... I've challenged myself to read three books this half-term (this week and next week; until 19th April), and this will be included in that since I've read over half of it since Friday. So, if I spare the time to read two more books over the course of the next week and a half, I'll have completed that mini challenge. Every now and then, when I feel like I'm not doing well enough, I'll set myself more mini-challenges, and I'll let you know when I do.

*I had to look through the start of the book because I had forgotten Speckled Bird's name. Heh.
**No sh*t, Sherlock.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Book Thirteen.

Title: Witch Child
Author: Celia Rees
Summary: Pages from a journal are loosely sewn into a quilt. A quilt that lies undisturbed for more than three hundred years until it is carefully taken apart for cleaning and out of its folds falls a powerful and moving story. The story of Mary - granddaughter of a witch.
Genre: Suspence?
Time Started: 5th March, 7:50am.
Time Ended: 18th March, 7:20pm.
Page Count: 235.
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Mild violence.
Appeal Rating: 9/10.

This book is so powerful and so suspenceful, it truly keeps you hooked from start to finish. The first two sentences, "I am Mary. I am a witch." just makes me want to read more, especially since I had already worked out that it's set around the time of the witch trials.

Witch Child is an amazing, thrilling, capturing book; so imaginative and creative, from a lovely perspective. All the diary/journal books I've read before have never managed to get my attention - probably because most of them were written by modern day girls, who think that falling over in front of your school crush is "the most horrible thing that could ever happen". This, however, tells the story of a strong, independent girl, fighting for who her grandmother is and living in a world filled with prejudice, where one of her main concerns is her survival, rather than her looks.

While I've never been into diary books, I've also never been particularly keen on books set far in the past. In fact, I don't know what made me say to my mum, "Oh, this looks really good! I want this!" - but I'm not saying I regret it. It took a time to get used to their way of talking, and the old-fashioned way they string sentences together, but it truly was an amazing book. Mary is a wonderful character, careful and cautious, but open-hearted.

I loved the way the journal-styled book allowed me to connect with Mary, let me see the story through her eyes. It's such a realistic story, so powerful and moving, so magical and yet not coming across as fantasy - it fascinates me greatly.

Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Definitely recommended.
Now, I'm going to go and make a start on it's sequel, "Sorceress". (:

Monday 8 March 2010

Book Twelve.

Title: Bewtixt
Author: Tara Bray Smith
Summary: For three teenagers, dark mystery has always lurked at the corner of the eyes and the edge of sleep. Beautiful Morgan D'Amici wakes in her trailer park with dirt and blood under her fingernails. Paintings come alive under Ondine Mason's violet-eyed gaze. Haunted runaway Nix Saint-Michael sees haloes of light around people about to die. At a secret summer festival three teenagers learn of their true, changeling nature and their uncertain, intertwined destinies.
Genre: Fantasy/Horror
Time Started: 3rd Feb, 10:40pm
Time Ended: 4th March, 2:50pm
Page Count: 402
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Swearing, use of drugs, sexual suggestiveness.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

Why did this take me an entire month? I didn't have my reading head on. I just couldn't bring myself to read when there were amazing people online waiting to talk to me, or homework to be attended to. It's not because I was busy, I just couldn't be bothered.

But, on with the review... This book was amazing, though slightly confusing. There were so many different names for the changelings - changelings, fay, faeries, "f*cking flying fairies" (according to Nix, even though they can't fly). And then there's the cutters and the weaklings and the humans and the ... it's been a while since I've read a full-on fantasy book, it took some time to get my head wrapped round it. Still, once I grasped it, t'was good (:

Nix is great. I really connected with him. I have no idea, because we have barely anything in common, but... yes, I connected with him. And I love his name. 'Nix'. It's such an awesome nickname (real name = Nicholas). Then again, they all seem to have quite obscure names.

Nix, Ondine, Neve... xD

Recommended? Yupp.(:

Sunday 7 March 2010

Book Eleven.

Title: Ways to Live Forever.
Author: Sally Nicholls.
Summary: "My name is Sam. By the time you read this I will probably be dead." Sam wants to know about UFOs and horror movies and ghosts and scientists, and how it feels to kiss a girl. He also needs answers to the questions nobody with answer.
Genre: Tragedy? Comedy? I'm not sure... :/
Time Started: 3rd February, 3:45pm.
Time Ended: 3rd February, 10:30pm.
Page Count: 202.
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Sad themes, character death.
Appeal Rating: 7/10.

It may have just been the speed at which I read it (a few hours, taking into consideration that from 5:30PM to 9:30PM, I wasn't reading), but it seemed quite rushed. Perhaps, this is also why I didn't feel very sad throughout it, despite the terribly sad themes and happenings - I didn't connect with the characters in time.

However, it's a good story, really sad storyline. Although most of it doesn't really make me think "That's so sad", a lot of it makes me feel sorry for Sam, pity him, think "Awh, bless". Just little things. However, other parts were like, "Oh... that was naff".

However, I do recommend it, for a quick read.

Book Ten.

Title: Thanks For the Memories.
Author: Cecelia Ahern
Summary: Joyce Conway remembers things she shouldn't. She knows about tiny cobbled streets in Paris, which she has never visited. And every night she dreams about an unknown little girl with blonde hair. Justin Hitchcock is divorced, lonely and restless. He arrives in Dublin to give a lecture on art and is persuaded to donate blood. It's the first thing to come straight from his heart in a long time. When Joyce leaves hospital after a terrible accident, with her life and her marriage in pieces, she moves back in with her elderly father. All the while, a strong sense of deja vu is overwhelming her and she can't figure out why...
Genre: Romance/Comedy.
Time Started: 24th January, 7:45pm.
Time Ended: 4th February, 10:30pm.
Page Count: 373.
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Bad language, mention of sex.
Appeal Rating: 10/10.

As you can see by the Appeal Rating, I thought this book was completely uh-may-zing. I enjoyed it so much, even if school did prevent me from reading it quickly. Cecelia Ahern is such a brilliant author, writing such realistic stories in out-of-this-world plots. This book was fantastic, a complete pleasure to read.

I loved the connection that Justin had with his daughter, Bea, and their conversations truly cracked me up. They're so witty that they could go on for days. I love it. Bea is such a typical teenager, with that cheeky backchat attitude. And Justin is such a relaxed dad, not irresponsible but not ridiculously strict. I want Justin to be my dad.

I also love Joyce's dad. The airport/aeroplane scene will never leave my mind. That was such a side-splitting moment, with the old questioning man and the agitated ... everybody else xD My god, it was so funny; I laugh just thinking about it now.

Amazing, amazing, amazing book. Recommend it? Of course!

Book Nine.

Title: Possessing Rayne
Author: Kate Cann
Summary: Why is Rayne suddenly so frightened by everything? She's come here to get away from the stifling city, away from her mother and her boyfriend - to find space and silence. But she's mystified by her new group of friends ... why are they so interested in the old house? Rayne can't imagine what's coming ...
Genre: Romance/Mystery
Time Started: 21st January, 1:30pm.
Time Ended: 24th January, 4:10pm.
Page Count: 299.
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Almost-sexuai content, talk of rape, swearing.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

It was a good story, but had a similar base to Leaving Poppy, which was by the same author. Like, the whole feeling crowded at home, moves out, moves into trouble, sort of thing. Even though the extended version is almost completely different (i.e., why they moved out, the kind of place they moved into, what the "trouble" is).

I want to say this now, get it out of my system - I DIDN'T TRUST ST JOHN, right from the beginning. There was something about him; they way he kissed Flora goodbye, and then kissed Rayne when he's only known her for a while. Seriously, who would DO that? It just seemed so unnatural, and then things just got weirder and weirder. Meh. Didn't like him.

Anyway, yeah, good story, freaky story, great read. Sorry this isn't longer; I can't think of much to say about it. Recommended!

Book Eight.

Title: Chasing Vermeer.
Author: Blue Balliet.
Summary: Petra and Calder live in a neighbourhood where strange things have started to happen. Seemingly unrelated events connect, a sharp old woman seeks their comany - and a priceless Vermeer painting disappears. Before they know it, the two children are drawn into an international art sensation where no one is above suspicion. They must rely on their intelligence, and a newly-acquired knowledge of the artist Vermeer, to crack an art crime that has left everyone baffled.
Genre: Mystery.
Time Started: 4th January, 2:30pm-ish.
Time Ended: 20th January, 4:00pm.
Page Count: 242.
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: N/A.
Appeal Rating: 3/10.

I did not choose to read this book. It's a book we've been reading in English class, and when we finally get to take it home, I finish it within fifteen minutes. Isn't that great? Yeah, it doesn't really matter...

I like this book only because it makes you think twice and use your brain. It gets you involved, whether it's finding the frog and pentomino in the majority of pictures, decoding Tommy's messages to Calder, or merely thinking over what Charles Fort or Ms Hussey says. It teaches many things, like how unrelated things can appear to be linked, and maybe by a chance of fate, they might just be that. I'm not keen on how the kids work out where A Lady Writing (the stolen painting) was hidden, because it was EXTREMELY unrealistic. Now, I'm not always a big believer of coincidences, I do think that a lot of stuff (but not all) happen for a reason, but this is just pushing it to the limit. Twelve, twelve, twelve, twelve, twelve, twelve. Gahhh.

I have to admit, I suspected both Mrs Sharpe and Ms Hussey at certain points. I won't tell you whether they did commit the crime or not (in case, for some unknown reason, you would like to read it), but I'm just saying ... I suspected them along with Petra and Calder, though as different points in time.

All in all, an attempt at a slightly realistic fiction story failed completely, and it's not fantastic. The pictures, although pretty good and imaginative, aren't my cup of tea (I'm not a baby, I don't read picture books -.-), and the way it involves the reader forcefully kind of spoiled it for me (I purposely didn't decode Tommy's messages ... okay, I did the first one out of boredom, but that's it ... because I'm stubbornly refusing to let the book control me xD). I think it would have been a better book if it allowed us to be the reader, instead of being forced to be the third part of a trio without us really being there. Also, the writing and development could have been better. Less coincidences would have been a major improvement, too, though I liked the involvement of the pentominoes.

Remember, art is a lie that tells the truth, and frogs can fall from the sky. Oh, and whatever word pops into your head when you look at a pentomino, will somehow help you along in life (Sarcasm, that one, in case you couldn't tell).

Recommend it? Not really, unless it's your thing.

Book Seven.

Title: Leaving Poppy
Author: Kate Cann
Summary: Poppy needs you. She's always needed you. She'll never let you go. It's time to leave home, escape your sister, get out of her clutches. But what is your new life isn't a safe place? Someone is waiting for you there. Waiting for Poppy.
Genre: Horror/Mystery
Time Started: 18th January, 6:15pm.
Time Ended: 19th January, 10:00pm.
Page Count: 348.
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Bad language, and hints at sexual situations.
Appeal Rating: 9/10.

This book was amazing, and I'm really sad that I don't have the book on my bookshelves (it's from the school library). The characters were developed amazingly, and except for the ghost haunting the house, it was mostly realistic. I thought Marty was adorable, I just wanted to give him a big hug. Even though he's eighteen and I'm thirteen. xD

Some parts had me really paranoid, like when the cushion ripped (I don't want to reveal too much, so we'll leave it at that ;D), and pretty much every time Amber entered her room. I made the mistake of reading it at night... so not doing that again; at least, not with books in that genre. xD

I loved the story line, it's really amazing, and all the sub-plots slotted in so wonderfully, and I really felt like I could be there, too, in the same situation. I felt like I was one of the housemates, like I've been there for ages and I know them all really well. I feel comfortable in the area, and the book just makes me fit, makes me connect. It's really great.

Definitely recommending this!!

Book Six.

Title: If You Could See Me Now
Author: Cecelia Ahern
Summary: Elizabeth Egan is too busy for friends. As a reluctant mother to her sister Saoirse's young son Luke and with her own business to run, every precious moment is made to count. But with Saoirse crashing in and out of their lives, leaving them both reeling, Luke and Elizabeth are desperately in need of some magic. Enter Ivan. Wild, spontaneous and always looking for adventure, Ivan changes Elizabeth in ways she could never have imagined. With her newly open eyes and heart, Elizabeth sees what she's been missing all along. As for Ivan, he thought he was there to help Luke, not Elizabeth - or himself ...
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Time Started: 8th January, 11:35am.
Time Ended: 17th January, 1:00pm.
Page Count: 328.
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Bad language.
Appeal Rating: 8/10.

I'm not usually one for romantic comedy, but this was really, really cute. Ivan is adorable, with all his bizarre words and fantastic personality. I love how at times, he's like a six year old, and others he's so mature. It's wonderful. I really enjoyed this. It wasn't as good as 'PS, I Love You', by the same author (see Book Five), but it was still great.

I want to live in Ekam Eveileb, catch Jinny Joes, have the last name of Elbisivni, interrogate people with my partner "Monsier Rotalsnart", and drink ssalg-es of klim while doing the shoe-shuffle on the beach. However, I don't want to make best friends and leave them months later, so I will not take up Ivan's job. xD

Yeah, so anyway, this was really sweet. I love how Ivan made Elizabeth lighten up, and when Elizabeth began seeing him, I was like "Yesss!!" It was really sweet.

(And when Joe got the "fancy coffee machine", I laughed :) Then again, I laughed a lot throughout the book)

I recommend it, most definitely!

Friday 5 March 2010

Book Five.

Title: PS, I Love You
Author: Cecelia Ahern
Summary: Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other's sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other. Until the unthinkable happens. Gerry's death devastates Holly. But as her 30th birthday looms, Gerry comes back to her. He's left her a bundle of notes, gently guiding Holly into her new life, each note signed with 'PS, I Love You'. As the notes are gradually opened, and as the year unfolds, Holly is both cheered up and challenged. The man who knows her better than anyone sets out to teach her that life goes on. With some help from her friends, and her noisy and loving family, Holly finds herself laughing, crying, singing, dancing - and being braver than ever before.
Genre: Romance/Tragedy
Time Started: 6th January, 3:00pm.
Time Ended: 7th January, 1:00pm.
Page Count: 375
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Swearing, suggestive mentions of "adult activity".
Appeal Rating: 9/10.

It was very enjoyable, very deep, and very imaginative. I really enjoyed reading it. I can't say, no matter how much I want to, that it perfectly portrays the struggles of a grieving widow, as I've never been married, nor have I lost someone close to me. And, I know that each situation is different, depending on the people involved. However, I liked how Holly was portrayed.

Ciara reminded me of Nymphadora Tonks from Harry Potter; and Richard reminded me of Percy in Harry Potter - but only at the beginning, because in the end, he changed dramatically and I instantly wanted to reach out and give him a big hug. Maybe it's just because I'm in love with the HP series, but I definitely noticed a connection, whether accidental or not - I don't care, either way, Ahern gets a thumbs up. I loved the way all of the characters were created; they were all different and hilarious in their own ways. Audrey, for example, was annoyingly amusing with her strict ways. And Ciara made me crack up with her witty, excited personality and wacky style.

It was, overall, an amazing book. I most certainly recommend it.

Sunday 28 February 2010

Book Four.

Title: The Keepers' Daughter.
Author: Gill Arbuthnott.
Summary: Orphaned as a baby, Nyssa can only dream about who she is and where she comes from, but with the arrival of dark strangers her past is revealed. Nyssa has a hidden tattoo that bears one half of a secret message. Now her future depends on finding the other half, written on a twin she's never known, and the truth of the words that mark them.
Genre: Adventure/Action.
Time Started: 3rd January, 11:00am.
Time Ended: 6th January, 1:10pm.
Page Count: 425.
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Sensitive themes, violence.
Appeal Rating: 10/10!

This is such an amazing book. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it's definitely a favourite. There were so many subplots that were essential to the main plot, it keeps the reader on their toes, and the characters were developed fantastically. I saw the Aria/Marius connection pretty much straight away, even though they were always arguing, and when Thea said "Cousin Kit is chasing me!" I pieced it together ... and promptly bit back my fangirl squeal.

This book left me practically speechless. I'm struggling to search for words on how amazing it is. It's utterly fantastic, and kept me gripped from beginning to end. It doesn't rush into explanations, leaves you asking questions, and there's a surprise at every corner. You never know what's going to happen, or when the Shadowmen are going to show up, or if Kit's going to start talking again. It's always so big, and leaves you thinking "Wow." And that's all you can think, because it's so shocking.

Kit is such a sweetheart. I adore him. He's so sweet and adorable and innocent. Even though he first appears a weak, troubled boy, he can be really fierce and determined when he wants to be, and I love that about him. He's so amazingly created ^.^

So, yes, amazing book! I DEFINITELY recommend this.

Book Three.

Title: Flying for Frankie.
Author: Pauline Fisk.
Summary: Charis Watt's life is painfully ordinary. Watching telly and following her older brother around are all the excitement she can get. Frankie Bradley lives the life of a princess. With her rich parents, posh schools and fancy clothes, she seems to have it all. Despite their differences, the girls become best friends, forming a bond that fills the loneliness they each feel deep inside. But when Frankie becomes ill their bond is put to the test, especially Charis, who strives to put things right. But there are some things you can do in the name of friendship, and some you can't.
Genre: Tragedy/Friendship.
Time Started: 2nd January, 5:40pm
Time Ended: 2nd January, 8:50pm
Page Count: 230
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Character death, one bad word on page 211.
Appeal Rating: 5/10.

The story wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't horrible, either. The relationship between the girls wasn't developed over time (It sort of went, "Oh, I hate Miss Stuck Up-Herself. Hey isn't that her? Hi, Frankie, yes, I built this den by myself. Oh, yay, we're the best of friends because you like my den!"), the announcement of the illness was anticlimactic, and the characters weren't characterised very well. Except for Diggers, I liked him. Oh, and Damo. I like this name, more than anything. Damo and Charis - what sort of parents do they have?!

Overall, it wasn't great, but it was potentially enjoyable.

In fact, it was more enjoyable than it should have been. Considering the bad characterisations, and all of the other bad things, it should have been a really horrible story. But it wasn't. Maybe it was the fact that if was a depressing story, which seems to be my sort of thing at the moment. Maybe I looked past the writing skills, straight to the storyline, and I know I'd enjoy THAT, so I was biased. I don't know. Maybe.

I think, maybe, it was Charis' loyalty to Frankie that made me enjoy it. Despite her fear of flying, she still attempted it anyway (Diggers in a rage is SO ADORABLE!)... and before "it" happens (Guess what "it" is), she managed to actually conquer her fear of flying - and although she says it wasn't for Frankie, we all know it was.

Anyway, not sure if I would recommend it, but if it seems like your kind of story, go for it!

Book Two.

Title: Love Aubrey
Author: Suzanna LaFleur
Summary: Something heartbreaking has happened. Eleven-year-old Aubrey is on her own. She's determined to hide away and take care of herself, because facing the truth is too much to bear. But with the love of her grandmother and the letters she writes, can Aubrey begin to see that even though she's lost everything - all is not lost?
Genre: Tragedy/Hurt/Comfort
Time Started: 2nd January, 12:50pm.
Time Ended: 2nd January, 5:00pm.
Page Count: 261.
Age Rating: 11+
Warning: Sensitive Theme.
Appeal Rating: 7/10.

This is a really beautiful story, though it took me a while to get into it. It's really sad, and I truly connected with Aubrey while reading it. It brings tears to my eyes at certain points (when my mum read it, she actually cried) and I felt really sad for Aubrey. She's so young and so innocent; she shouldn't have had to go through what she did. Yes, she's a fictional character, but I do generally want to comfort her and make it better.

And, of course, with the knowledge that there are little kids out there who are experiencing/have experienced what Aubrey did ... it's a horrible thought ):

I really recommend this to everyone.

Book One.

I lost the original review, so I have to rewrite it.

Title: Stolen.
Author: Lucy Christopher.
Summary: It happened like this. I was stolen from an airport. Taken from everything I knew, everything I was used to. Taken to the sand and heat, dirt and danger. And he expected me to love him. This is my story. A letter from nowhere.
Genre: Tragedy/Drama.
Time Started: 1st January, 10:45am.
Time Ended: 1st January, 9:30pm.
Page Count: 301.
Age Rating: 13+
Warning: Nudity, talk of rape, swearing.
Appeal Rating: 9/10

Stolen is a great book with a new voice for teenage readers. It's a letter, written from the kidnapped to the kidnapper. The entire book is one huge letter, talking about their time in the desert, how much she hated him, how much she ... well, I won't ruin it. This is a really inspiring, fantastic read with such amazing vocabulary and witty humour. It really does feel like it was written by a teenage girl. And no, that's not a bad thing.

I love how Ty connects with the animals, and seems so nice and friendly, despite kidnapping Gemma. It's such a realistic story with an amazing storyline and interesting subplots. It captures you from the first page in. The setting is believable, the characters have a sort of twisted, messed up chemistry deep down and it's really enjoyable story.

Favourite Quote: When Gemma is naming the animals after people she knows: "I named the rooster Dick, after you." (It's always the rude/mean/sarcastic things that get you giggling ^.^ )

Recommended to anyone above the age of thirteen (:


At the end of 2009, I set myself a challenge. This challenge was to read 50 books throughout 2010. Now, I don't think this challenge will be too hard, as I am quite the bookworm. But if I don't have my reading head on for a month, that's going to affect my count. On this blog, I'll keep track of all the books I read, along with a short review-thingy. A new blog post for each book seems fair, right? The reviews won't be long, because I'm rubbish at giving reviews but there we go.

If anyone's interested in this challenge, or is looking for a recommendation for good book to read, you can come here. ^.^